According to Australia’s official skills and training institute – NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research), since 2011, the count of Australian businesses with apprentices has increased. More than a quarter (27.5%) of Australian employers have employed apprentices or trainees.
Apprenticeship programs are becoming more famous in Sydney than anywhere else in Australia. More than 37 % of businesses have increased the count of apprentice hire in Sydney and are ready for more. To support the demand, many institutes are providing outstanding contributions to workforce development in Sydney.
The quality of training is the main reason for the business to be convinced to enrol candidates with appropriate apprenticeship training. The number of people who have completed the program has increased in the last few years, which can be attributed to the increase in the number of people looking for a job.
What are the benefits of employing apprentices besides appropriate qualifications and training? This section will highlight the benefits for business through apprenticeship.
1. Cost-Effective
Many businesses agree that apprenticeships can help them recover from financial strain without compromising productivity. When an inexperienced candidate with good training is enrolled in the company, businesses can cut costs in terms of the salary provided without losing anything on productivity.
Australian government funds businesses for each apprentice they include in their payroll. So, technically, enterprises are not spending any money on new recruitment.
Studies reveal that apprentices are more productive due to their specialised training. Also, under apprenticeships, the time wasted between studying and employment is saved. A candidate starts to study and work simultaneously, creating a win-win situation where both the employer and employee make money.
2. Energetic and Motivated
Hiring apprentices can assure the fresh flow of energy into the business. Apprentices are well- aware they will not be paid lump sums as they lack experience and are employed to learn the skills for their future. To learn and develop their knowledge, they will work very well with great passion and contribute to the growth of the business.
3. Up-to-Date Skills
Usually, apprentices will be young. They will be excited to explore and be amazed to learn how organisations and industries work in real. Also, they bring along an updated version of skills into the business. This will essentially improve the quality of your workforce.
4. Fill the Soft Skill Shortage
As a businessman, you can find what is missing in your business. You can fill the job roles by providing an opportunity to apprentices. As they are new to the workforce, you can mould them according to the business needs by using their talent.
Thus, you can ensure that they are increasing the efficiency of your business. If your pre-existing employees are from technical backgrounds and have no idea about soft skills, apprenticeships can help address the shortage. Apprenticeship programs in Sydney combine the subject knowledge and industrial need in training.
They would know essential soft skills like management, negotiating, commercial awareness, business communication, etc. Thus, when businesses choose to go for an apprentice hire in Sydney, they can acquire candidates who have the apt education for the employment opportunity. So, unlike mere graduates, apprentices have a technical education and business skills.
5. Reduce the Burden on Your Senior Staff
No employee can work effectively if he is overburdened. Hiring apprentices can give a little relief to the other workers. When they are comfortable, they will come forward to do their job well and also help others in the organisation. Also, they can concentrate on the other essential work leaving the basic work for the apprentices. Thus, it is an excellent work-load balancing option.
Thus, the above-mentioned points are the benefits a business can reap from apprentices. On the other hand, it is also an excellent opportunity for the apprentices to be in a combined learning and working atmosphere.