Today’s article looks at two products from the same brand: iFi Audio. Both are portable DACs that offer a variety of features in a compact form factor. For this comparison, the products on the table are the iFi iDSD Black Label and the iFi Audio Micro iDSD Signature.
The iFi team is known for their high-end audio products and their incredible sense of fun and style. The iFi iDSD Micro Audio Signature is a true high-fidelity powerhouse with an excellent blue aluminium chassis finished off with a tasteful silk-screened logo, just like its big brother, iFi iDSD Black Label.
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Deciding between the iFi iDSD Black Label and the iFi iDSD Micro Audio Signature can be challenging because they are both high-end audio devices with many great features. Following are the similarities and differences between the two:
- The iFi Audio Micro iDSD Signature and the iFi Audio Black Label come with a portable design and integrate a great sounding DAC chip from Texas Instruments, which is used in many high-end DACs.
- They also come with an amplifier so you can connect them to your headphones directly.
buy intagra online no prescriptionThe two iFi Audio devices come with a headphone output, so you can use them to connect your headphones directly. - Both have a playing time of up to 12 hours, depending on the earphones and enabled performance mode.
- They also have an optical input, so you can connect them to your TV or any other device that has an optical output.
- The sound quality of both devices is excellent, and they come with a great looking design.
- The two iFi Audio products are portable, so you can easily take them with you on the go.
- Both have digital storage oscilloscopes, which is a critical difference between other iFi devices and these two.
The Black Label has a gigantic life-size screen, which makes it easy to see the details of the oscilloscope. The Signature Edition has an ultra-high sample rate feature and excellent performance in terms of resolution. These two products are equipped with a variety of connectors for high-end applications.
- Although both of these products are gorgeous and well built, the Black Label has a better build quality than the Signature Edition.
- The Black Label and the Micro Audio Signature have the same size, but the black label is an ESS chip while the micro audio signature uses a Cirrus Logic chip.
- The key differences between these two portable DACs can be roughly divided into three aspects: sound quality, price, and interface.
Sound Quality: The sound quality of the iFi iDSD Black Label is much better than that of the micro audio signature. The iFi iDSD Black Label’s bass is also more flexible and less boomy than the micro audio signature.
However, Black Label does not have this feature compared to the MQA decoding function on the micro audio signature.
Price: In terms of price, the Black Label’s price is also much higher than that of the micro audio signature. The reason for this is that the sound quality of the iDSD Black Label is one step higher than that of the micro audio signature.
Interface: The Black Label has a high-end audio gear with all its functions and features, while the micro audio signature has only the most basic ones.
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Final Thoughts
It’s tough to find a perfect device, but iFi micro audio signature has some advantages. The first is its price. As it’s cheap, you can afford it without having to spend too much money.
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